Do I need psychotherapy?

Here we give you some tips on whether you need help and whether we can help you.


Do you experience these or similar thoughts and feelings?

  • you are plagued by fears or have nightmares at night
  • School has become a torture for you
  • You no longer know what to do, your thoughts keep going round in circles
  • you withdraw more and more from other children and young people
  • Your parents are separating or have separated
  • you often suffer from headaches or stomach aches – but your doctor cannot identify any physical causes
  • you have binge eating fits and then throw up everything again
  • you are working more and more on looking like a well-known YouTuber or TikToker
  • you feel lonely “among many” or would like to make friends

These are just examples that certainly cannot capture your very personal feelings and problems. We can only find out more in a conversation or with other playful means and consider together what can help you.

Want to find out what’s wrong with you?

The website of the Federal Chamber of Psychotherapists may also help you with this question: