Publications to browse


Schaefer S.. (2023). Mental health of trainees. SKILLS Magazine No. 26 WSG p.8-12


Schäfer, S. (2022). How psychotherapists can exert influence. PsychotherapieAktuell 1/2022. DPtV p. 14-21

Schäfer, S. (2022). Depression has many faces. The health magazine for seniors 1.2022. AOK P. 8-11

Schäfer, S., Berner, B., Günther, A. (2022. How do I document correctly? PsychotherapieAktuelll 2.2022. DPtV p. 41-532

Schäfer, S., Lahme, M. (2022). FAQ - Group psychotherapy. PsychotherapieAktuelll 4.2022. DPtV p. 15-22

Schäfer, S. (2022). Update: Regulations in group psychotherapy. PsychotherapieAktuell 4.2022. DPtV p.12-14.


Schäfer, S. (2021). Living quality instead of collecting data. PsychotherapieAktuell special edition 2021. DPtV p. 6-14

Schäfer, S. (2021). New regulations - especially for group psychotherapy. PsychotherapieAktuell 01/ 2021. DPtV p. 10-14

Schäfer, S. (2021) The positive power of fear. WSG Magazine No.20, p. 17-19


Schäfer, S. / Kumbier, D. (2018). The 60-minute report to the assessor. Tips for star chefs on preparing fast food. PsychotherapieAktuell 02/ 2018. DPtV p. 33- 38


Schäfer, S. / Amelie Thobaben (2017). Working alone or together? PsychotherapieAktuell 03/2017. DPtV p. 22 - 30

Schäfer, S. / Mechthild Lahme (2017).101 Questions and answers on the psychotherapy guidelines and psychotherapy agreement.PsychotherapieAktuell 02/2017. DPtV p. 36-48

Schäfer, S./ Best, D. (2017), Now it's getting concrete. Update on the reform of the psychotherapy guidelines.PsychotherapieAktuell 01/2017.DPtV p. 6-23.


Schäfer, S. (2016). Commentary on consultation hours, acute care and hourly quota. Ersatzkasse Magazine 7/8/2016. Verband der Ersatzkassen e.V.

Schäfer, S. (2016). Old structures finally broken up. Reformed psychotherapy guidelines adopted. PsychotherapieAktuell 03/2016. DPtV. S. 7-21


Schäfer S. (2015). Astrid Wallrabenstein (ed.). Psychotherapy in statutory health insurance between old controversies and new legal regulations. Writings on health policy and health law. 2015.

Schäfer S. (2015). What help is required. PsychotherapieAktuell 04/2015.DPtV. S.17

Schäfer, S. (2015). DPtV organizes Discussion Group II in Berlin and passes on the rotating chairmanship to the DGPT. PsychotherapieAktuell 02/2015. DPtV. S.40-41


Schäfer, S. (2014), Entbürokratisierung schafft Behandlungskapazität. PsychotherapieAktuell 1/2014. DPtV, p.4-8


Best, D., Schäfer, S. (2013). Model of staged outpatient psychotherapeutic care. PsychotherapieAktuell 4/2013. DPtV, p.16-19.


Schäfer, S. (2012). Focus on quality assurance: Which is the best solution? PsychotherapieAktuell 3/2012. DPtV, p.9.

Schäfer, S. (2012). Psychotherapeutic care without "review procedures"-a lack of quality assurance? PsychotherapieAktuell 3/2012. DPtV, pp. 21- 23


Schäfer, S. (2011). Do we need experts specifically for depth psychology-based psychotherapy? Psychodynamic psychotherapy. Forum der tiefenpsychologisch fundierten Psychotherapie, 10, pp.131-146; Editorial, Table of Contents

Schäfer, S. (2011), Modell eines modifizierten Gutachterverfahrens in der Psychotherapierichtlinie. PsychotherapieAktuell 3/2011. DPtV, p. 17-21


Schäfer, S. (2010). Current KBV statistics from the perspective of psychotherapists. PsychotherapieAktuell 1/2010. DPtV, p. 5-9

Schäfer, S. (2010). The assessment procedure in guideline psychotherapy. PsychotherapieAktuell 2/2010. DPtV, p. 14-19

Schäfer, S. (2010). More and more often a good choice License-free test methods. PsychotherapieAktuell 3/2010. DPtV, p. 12-16

Schäfer, S. (2010), How long does psychotherapy last? Psychotherapie Aktuell 4/2010. DPtV, p. 17-20


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Schäfer, S. (2009). Interview with Jürgen Tripp, PiA national spokesperson. PsychotherapieAktuell 1/2009. DPtV p. 31-34


Schäfer, S. (2004). The important interaction between the DPtV, the Chamber of Psychotherapists and our psychotherapeutic lobby in the KVs. Psychotherapists Forum 1/2004, p. 27-31

Schäfer, S. (2004). Reporting obligation of PP or KJP. Psychotherapists Forum 6/2004 p. 27-28


Schäfer, S. (2003). The new healthcare reform - a grab bag? Psychotherapists Forum 2/2003, p. 25-27


Schäfer, S. (2002). Carl Rogers would certainly have smiled with understanding and happiness. Psychotherapists Forum 4/2002, p. 25-27

Daily and weekly newspapers

"Walking makes you smarter" Author: Cora Remmert. Magazine "Für Sie" from 11.09.2017.