Training as a psychological psychotherapist

We are a teaching practice for psychotherapists in training and further education. Colleagues have the opportunity to complete their training therapies under supervision and receive individual and group supervision to accompany their cases.

We cooperate with various training institutes (not an exhaustive list):

Heidelberger Akademie für Psychotherapie (HAP)

Süddeutsche Akademie für Psychotherapie (SAP)

ZIST Akademie für Psychotherapie (ZIST)

Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Verhaltensmodifikation eV (AVM)

Christophsbad-Akademie für Psychotherapie (C-AP)

Institut für Verhaltenstherapeutisch fundierte Psychotherapie, Verhaltensmedizin, Systememisch fundierte Therapie und Sexuologie (IVS)

Institut für Verhaltenstherapie (IVT)

IHK training
Our practice is recognized by the IHK for the following vocational training courses:

You can find the current tenders here.