Our practice

Our services

Children and young people

Just like adults, children and young people sometimes need help to get through certain phases of their lives or to process experiences better…


When do I need psychotherapy? Or do I need other assistance? This is often difficult for you as the person affected to determine. You may be experiencing acute symptoms or have been for some time …


Are you looking for reflection and support for your work?
Supervision is a form of counseling that aims to ensure and improve the quality of professional work.

MPU preparation counseling

MPU preparation counseling has a defined goal: to restore and create the individual prerequisites for safe and cooperative participation in road traffic …

The team

AllThe psychotherapistsRegistrationBack officeSmall practical helpers

Helpful information at a glance

Diagnostik Patienten

Here you will find helpful information on the subject of psychotherapy

Emergency centers

Here you will find some telephone numbers, counseling services and self-help offers

Praxis Sabine Schaefer Lizenzfrei
Psychotherapists and doctors

Here you will find helpful information, including license-free test procedures


An overview of further information for psychotherapists and doctors can be found here