Who`s doing what?
Many professions begin with “psych” but actually have different approaches and goals in the treatment of psychological complaints. Accordingly, the individual “psych subjects” are also based on different training.
The German Psychotherapists’ Association (DPtV) offers a very nice overview of “who`s doing what?“:
We translate this DPtV-information for you:
Psychotherapist, psychiatrist, psychologist – who`s doing what?
The field of psychology, psychotherapy and psychiatry is not always easy for many people to understand. What do psychiatrists do, what can alternative practitioners do, what can psychologists do? This small overview is intended to help you find your way around the various job titles and titles.
Psychological psychotherapists (Psychologische Psychotherapeut:innen):
Psychologists who, after completing their studies, have completed psychotherapy training lasting an average of around six years. Like specialists, they are allowed to run or work in a health insurance practice for psychotherapy.
Child and adolescent psychotherapists (Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapeut:innen):
(Social) educators or psychologists who, after completing their studies, have completed psychotherapy training lasting an average of around six years. Just like specialists, you are allowed to manage or work in a health insurance practice for psychotherapy.
Medical psychotherapists (also called psychotherapeutic doctors):
You must also have acquired additional qualifications in psychotherapy or appropriate specialist training before you can work as a psychotherapist. If you have a register for psychotherapy, then you have decided to work exclusively or predominantly in psychotherapy.
Specialist in psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy (Fachgebundene ärztliche Psychotherapeut:innen):
Doctors with this training treat with psychotherapy.Specialist medical psychotherapists:These psychotherapeutically qualified doctors only treat mental illnesses or problems that have to do with their own area of expertise.
Doctors who have completed further training in psychiatry and psychotherapy after completing their medical studies. These specialists particularly treat mental illnesses in which drug treatment plays an important role. Psychiatrists can also use psychotherapeutic procedures with additional qualifications in psychotherapy. You can ask the practice whether psychotherapy or psychiatric treatment is offered in the respective practice.
Child and adolescent psychiatrist:
Doctors who have completed further training in psychiatry for children and adolescents after completing their medical studies. These specialists particularly treat mental illnesses in which drug treatment plays an important role. Child and adolescent psychiatrists can also use psychotherapeutic procedures with additional qualifications in psychotherapy. You can find out whether psychotherapy or psychiatric treatment is offered for children and young people at the respective practice.
A psychology degree is a scientific course in which different focuses can be studied. In addition to the most common area of clinical psychology, there are, for example, legal psychology, business psychology, educational psychology and many other specializations. After completing their studies, psychologists are allowed to work in clinics, but they have not completed postgraduate training as psychological or child and adolescent psychotherapists and are therefore not allowed to offer psychotherapy, only counseling services.
Alternative practitioner for psychotherapy (Heilpraktiker*innen für Psychotherapie)
There is no regulated training, only an examination at the health department. The healing license can be obtained without having learned a psychotherapeutic procedure.