Urgency code for psychotherapy applies to the appointment service center (TSS)

Has your GP given you a referral with an urgency code for a session in a psychotherapeutic practice because of your symptoms? Specialists and psychotherapists can also give you an urgency code. The prerequisite is that you have statutory health insurance and there is no acute emergency.

This urgency code is a “ticket” that you can use to contact the appointment service center, which will help you arrange a psychotherapy session. Please use this code to contact the KVBW appointment service center directly and not your preferred practice.


Some information on the TSS mediation of appointments:

  • No preferred dates are arranged, but a maximum of two dates to choose from.
  • You will not be referred to a specific doctor or therapist of your choice.
  • An appointment will be arranged at a reasonable distance from your place of residence. In individual cases, this may mean a longer journey for you.
  • Initial appointments with psychotherapists are arranged: If psychotherapy is required, there is no entitlement to start it in the same practice.


Further information on the appointment service of the Baden-Württemberg Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians can be found here:



Contact the appointment service center for patients

Free phone number: 116117


You can also make an appointment directly here via the appointment service center and enter your code:
