Psychotherapist search
It is not so easy to find a suitable psychotherapist. It is not clear from the telephone directories which of the psychotherapy providers have a license to practice. A license to practice documents that someone has completed a qualifying course of study and several years of psychotherapy training in a psychotherapy method. Anyone who has demonstrated this training in the treatment of mental disorders to a state authority is a trained and therefore licensed psychotherapist.
With the license to practice, the name “Psychological Psychotherapist” and “Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist” is protected. Without proof of this qualified training, no one may call themselves such.
However, not every psychological psychotherapist can also bill the statutory health insurance. This requires a so-called “health insurance license”. Unfortunately, these approvals are limited.
Under “Who`s doing what?“ you can find out about the different professions and their qualifications and objectives.
Online search for psychotherapists
You can use the search engines below to find qualified licensed psychotherapists. You only need to make sure that the possibility of billing the statutory health insurance companies is indicated.
- In the online search of the German Psychotherapists’ Association (DPtV) you will find qualified licensed colleagues with health insurance licenses and private practices nationwide:
Psychotherapist search of the German Psychotherapists Association (DPtV) - In the online search of the Landespsychotherapeutenkammer Baden-Württemberg you will find qualified licensed colleagues with health insurance licenses and private practices in Baden-Württemberg (note: the list is not complete):
List of psychotherapists of the Baden-Württemberg Chamber of Psychotherapists - In the online search of the Baden-Württemberg Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians, you will find all qualified licensed colleagues in Baden-Württemberg who are licensed by the statutory health insurance funds:
Training institutes for psychotherapists
All prospective psychotherapists must complete several treatment cases under supervision during their training. Supervision is the constant professional support of practitioners by experienced licensed psychotherapists. Institutes can offer correspondingly high numbers of therapy places in their outpatient clinics due to the large number of trainee psychotherapists.
You can find an online search of all training and further education institutes here.
Appointment service center (TSS)
If you would like to speak to someone in person, you can also call the Patient:innen-Telefon der Terminservicestelle Baden-Württemberg. Only psychotherapists with a health insurance license are placed here. You can find everything about the appointment service here.
Reimbursement of costs
Do you have statutory health insurance and can’t find a free psychotherapy place?
Find out here about the assumption of costs for your psychotherapy in private practices via cost reimbursement.